Medieval Clothing and Textiles 6
Edited by Robin Netherton
Edited by Gale R. Owen-Crocker
Published: 15 Apr 2010
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1 Preface
2 Archaeological Dress and Textiles in Latvia from the Seventh to Thirteenth Centuries: Research, Results, and Reconstructions
3 Weaving Words in Silk: Women and Inscribed Bands in the Carolingian World
4 Stitches, Sutures, and Seams: "Embroidered" Parchment Repairs in Medieval Manuscripts
5 Dressing Up the Nuns: The Lingua Ignota and Hildegard of Bingen's Clothing
6 Flax and Linen in Walter of Bibbesworth's Thirteenth-Century French Treatise for English Housewives
7 The London Mercers' Company, London Textual Culture, and John Gower's Mirour de l'Omme
8 Fripperers and the Used Clothing Trade in Late Medieval London
9 Donations from the Body for the Soul: Apparel, Devotion, and Status in Late Medieval Strasbourg
10 Recent Books of Interest