Session 220: Dress and Textiles: Rich, Poor, and Magical
Expensive and Cheap: The Cost of Embroidery and the Social Value of Its Creators in Anglo-Saxon England (Language: English)
Alexandra M. Lester-Makin, Department of English & American Studies, University of Manchester
- Not Just Barefoot Barbarians: Textual Evidence of Footwear and Legwear in Medieval Wales (Language: English)
Patricia Williams, Department of English & American Studies, University of Manchester
- The Shirt off His Back: Clothing as Currency in Medieval Ireland (Language: English) Mark Zumbuhl, Department of English & American Studies, University of Manchester
- Magical Material: The Supernatural Properties of Textiles and Clothing in Medieval and Later Belief (Language: English)
Sarah E. M. Randles, Australian Research Council Centre for the History of Emotions, University of Melbourne
Session 320: Dress, Textiles, and Status
- The Queen's Gesture: A Rare Depiction of Tristan and Isolde on a Medieval Luxury Object (Language: English)
Paula Mae Carns, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese Languages & Literatures, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Fine Fabrics and Coarse Clothes: Chrétien de Troyes's Subtle Weaving of Romance (Language: English)
Monica L. Wright, Department of Modern Languages, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Wearable Items as Gifts and Prizes in Froissart's Meliador (Language: English)
Elysse T. Meredith, School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures, University of Edinburgh
Session 113: The Bayeux Tapestry: Poor Threads and Naked Figures for Rich Halls?
Interpreting the Naked Figures in the Borders of the Bayeux Tapestry (Language: English)
Christopher Monk, Department of English & American Studies, University of Manchester
The Bayeux Tapestry and Its Victorian Facsimile (Language: English)
Anna C. Henderson, University of Exeter Press / University of Manchester
- 'Silver and Gold Had They None' (So We Have to Use Our Imagination) (Language: English)
Gale R. Owen-Crocker, School of Arts, Languages & Cultures, University of Manchester