International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI (May 9-12, 2013)


Session 259: Dress and Textiles: Looking North

  • Viking Age Dress in Norway: Textiles, Quality, and Social Status
    Ingvild Øye, Univ. i Bergen
  • A Tale of Rags and Sheep: Dress Practices in Medieval Iceland, AD 1100–1500
    Michèle Hayeur Smith, Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown Univ.
  • “Silk and Fine Cloth”: Distribution and Consumption of Textiles in Late Medieval and Early Modern Denmark
    Eva Trein Nielsen, Independent Scholar
  • The Effects of Spindle Whorl Design on Wool Thread Production: A Practical Experiment Based on Examples from Eighth-Century Denmark
    Karen Nicholson, Independent Scholar

Dress and Textiles II: How Shall a Man Be Armed? (A Demonstration)

  • Evolution of Armor during the Hundred Years War
    Liz Johnson, La Belle Compagnie
    Members of La Belle Compagnie, a living history organization focusing on English life during the period of the Hundred Years War, will dress four representative English “knights” (from approximately 1350, 1380, 1415, and 1450) in historically accurate reproduction armor to illustrate trends in armor design and techniques over this period. The presentation will include documentary, pictorial, and material evidence, supplemented by the knights’ feedback on the practical experience of wearing and working in each type of armor. The knights: James Barker, La Belle Compagnie; Thomas Taylor, La Belle Compagnie; Bob Charrette, La Belle Compagnie; and Jeff Johnson, La Belle Compagnie.

Dress and Textiles III: Interpreting Surviving Artifacts

  • Material Values: Alterations of Medieval Egyptian Silks as a Reflection of
    Arielle Winnik, Bryn Mawr College
  • A Typology of Pre-Tailored Men’s Garments Based on Key Measurements and Proportions, or, How Tall Was Saint Louis and Who Wore His Shirt?
    Heather Rose Jones, Independent Scholar
  • Political Iconography in the Medieval Italian Tristan Quilts: The Identity of the Real Knight-Errant
    Kathryn Berenson, Independent Scholar
  • Martial Beauty: Padding and Quilting One’s Way to a Masculine Ideal in Fourteenth-Century France
    Tasha D. Kelly, Independent Scholar

Medieval Dress/Textile Arts Display and Demonstration

    A display of textile and dress items, handmade using medieval methods and materials. Items will include textiles, decorative treatments, garments, dress accessories, and armor. Exhibitors will demonstrate techniques and be available to discuss the use of historic evidence in reproducing artifacts of medieval culture.

International Medieval Congress at Leeds, England (July 4-7, 2013)


Session 1508: DISTAFF, I: Focus on Fibre

  • English and Continental Terminologies for Wool-Based Textiles (Language: English)
    John H. A. Munro, Department of Economics, University of Toronto
  • Hedging on Heckles: Identifying Flax Working Tools from Medieval Novgorod (Language: English)
    Heidi Sherman, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
  • 3-Harness Linen Weaves: Experimental Archaeology (Language: English)
    Anne Reaves, Department of English & Communication, Marian University, Indianapolis

Session 1608: DISTAFF, II: Narrative on Dress - Dress as Allegory

  • Mind the Gap: Textile Narrations Bridging Openings in Vestments (Language: English)
    Barbara M. Eggert, Juristische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Configuring the Clothing of the Pre- and Post-Lapsarian Body in Early English Drama (Language: English)
    Sarah Brazil, Départment de langue et littérature anglaises, Université de Genève
  • Bartolomeo da Montechiaro (d. 1419): Silk Merchant of Lucca (Language: English)
    Christine E. Meek, Department of History, Trinity College Dublin

Session 1708: DISTAFF, III: The Pleasure and Morality of Dress and Textiles

  • Unholy Pleasures: Displeasure and Pleasure in Worldly Dress in Anglo-Saxon Hagiographical Tradition (Language: English)
    Maren Clegg Hyer, Department of English, Valdosta State University, Georgia
  • Women's Head-Dresses in Welsh Love Poems (Language: English)
    Alaw Mai Edwards, Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
  • Renouncing Pleasure: Giving the Best to the Grave (Language: English)
    Gale R. Owen-Crocker, School of Arts, Languages & Cultures, University of Manchester
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